August 12 : 85.5


- 1 toast with ghee and pepper
- 2 egg whites
- 1 orange
- 1 cup of tea (without sugar)


Buffet at Rajmahal
- Naan
- Rice
- Kadhi
- Baigan Bharta
- Aloo Baigan
- Pakora
- Salad


- 1 chapati
- dal
- baigan bharta
- watery boondi raita
- salad


pranayam : 15 minutes (5 deep breathing; 5 kapal bhati; 5 anulom vilom)
walking : 75 minutes (15 + 45 + 15)

Starting a Diet Plan

Came back from India yesterday.

Have decided to start a serious attempt at reducing excess weight. Want to do this by reducing the calorie intake, exercising regularly (aerobics, weight training, yoga) and doing some pranayam too.

Initially, for about 2 months, will try to have a sharp reduction in calorie intake to be able to reduce at the rate of about 6 kilograms per month. Then, will increase food to slightly below 'normal' levels and try to reduce at the rate of about 3 kilograms per month.

Will try to do Pranayam every morning; Aerobics about 4 times a week; Strength training about 2 times a week; Yoga about 2 times a week.

Today morning (August 12th), my weight is 85.5 kilograms.

Here is the expected schedule:

Sep 1st : 81.5
Oct 1st : 75.5
Nov 1st : 72.0
Dec 1st : 69.0
Jan 1st : 66.0